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SocialWorkGuide Staff
Updated October 1, 2024
    Your Future is Waiting

    Explore and compare a list of accredited schools to enroll in your next program.

    Person in college

    Social Work Guide is a free online resource for individuals interested in beginning or advancing careers in social work or counseling. Our site features information on social work degrees and schools, state-by-state career and social work licensing guides, a counseling and social work-related jobs board, interviews & advice from industry experts, and numerous other career-oriented resources. We appreciate your support and welcome you to contact us with feedback and suggestions.

    Data Sources

    American Sociological Association
    Association of Social Work Boards
    National Association of Social Workers
    National Center for Education Statistics
    Projections Central Long Term Occupational Projections
    US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics
    US Census Bureau
    US Department of Education

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